First Aid Instructor FAQs

We have provided answers to many of the questions we receive from customers who are considering becoming a first aid instructor, call us if you have any questions on 01206 805380 we will be happy to assist you.



I don't have a teaching qualification, will I need one? Yes everyone who wants to teach first aid at work must have an appropriate teaching qualification, the Level 3 Award in Education and Training is the minimum requirement
I hold a PTLLS qualification but want to teach first aid, do I need the Award in Education and Training Qualification? No but you will need to hold an acceptable accessing qualification, if you don't have one, you can complete Unit 1 of the CAVA qualification, this can be completed 100% online
Do First Aid Instructors need to renew their First Aid Qualification? Yes if you are not a registered nurse or doctor you will need to make sure that you keep your first aid qualification or first responder qualification up to date, for first aid this would mean renewing it every 3 years.
I have FREC 3 will I need a first aid at work qualification to teach first aid? I have FREC 3 will I need a first aid at work qualification to teach first aid?
I am a nurse and already hold a teaching qualification should I complete a first aid instructor course? It is always a good idea to learn as much as possible about the subjects you are going to teach and the rules and regulations about first aid training, there are differences in procedures to those used in a medical setting.
Is there any help for first aid trainers to find work?

ProTrainings have a lot of instructors who need help to deliver their courses, you would need to register with them but they offer a lot of support, advice and opportunities for freelance instructors.
What do I have to do keep my instructor qualifications updated, so that I can continue teaching?

To stay within the regulations, you will need to make sure that you always hold a current, valid first aid at work certificate unless you have an exemption, if you are a UK registered Nurse, Paramedic or Doctor you can only continue to teach while you have a current registration. If you retire or no longer keep up your registration, you will need to hold a current, valid first aid at work certificate. 

You will also need to:

  • Complete an annual skill evaluation
  • Keep an up-to-date portfolio evidencing the training you are delivering
  • Issue certificates that have been through an internal quality assurance process

If you register with ProTrainings, they will make sure that you are aware of and maintain everything you need to remain compliant. For more information please click here

I work or have worked in the police force, fire brigade or ambulance service (but not as a paramedic, do I still need a First Aid at Work Qualification? Yes you do, internal training that has not resulted in a Regulated or Accredited First Aid at Work 3 Day qualification you will need to attend a course that includes this. Occasionally it is possible for people who have worked in the ambulance service to gain an exemption, but you would need to provide evidence that we would pass to our Awarding Organisation for approval
What equipment will I need to teach First Aid at Work?

If you are going to teach first aid at work or emergency first aid at work courses you will need:-

  • 1 Adult CPR Manikin for every 4 students
  • First Aid consumables, dressings, gloves, bandages
  • A first aid kit
  • 3 AED (Defibrillator Trainers)

If you are also going to be teaching paedatric first aid you will also need

  • 1 Infant CPR Manikin for every 4 students
  • 1 Child Manikins for every 4 students

The costs can be reduced by purchasing one of the Practi-Man Manikin Range of Adult Manikins as they have a Child and Adult setting.

Ready made instructor kits that contain consumables and other items you will need to get started are available to find out more about first aid instructor kits, please click here

ITG Instructor Training

22 Westside Centre
London Road
Colchester CO3 8PH

Call us on 01206 805380

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