TQUK Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (RQF)

The Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training course is delivered online through our Moodle Virtual Learning Environment. We will send you a folder that you can use to prepare your portfolio. Our online tutor will guide you through the assignments you complete online.

To complete this qualification you will also need to evidence a minimum of 30 hours of training delivery including 3 hours of observed practice. For more information about this qualification, please call us on 01206 805380

Once registered on the course, you will be sent a login to our virtual learning environment (VLE). We will send you a link to the initial assessment form and arrange a telephone interview at a suitable time for you and send your folder for you to use to compile your evidence.

At the end of the course, you will send your folder to us for marking.

enhanced learning credit scheme

Course Information

  • COURSE 2002
  • Course Price: If you have a suitable professional to observe your 3 teaching sessions: £795 + VAT
  • Course Price: If we provide a suitable professional to observe your 3 teaching sessions: £995 + VAT
  • ELCAS Course Code 2002

    Course Delivery

  • Course Delivery Part 1: The pricing of this course assumes you already hold the Award in Education and Training or PTLLS Level 3 with 12 credits. If you don't you will need to complete an additional module.
  • Course Delivery Part 2: Theory completed online through our Moodle Based VLE.
  • Practical Modules: Can take place where you are delivering training.
  • Evidence and Portfolio: You will evidence delivery of at least 30 hours of training.
  • Observed Sessions: 3 Observed sessions, either by a suitably qualified person in your organisation or by a member of our team.
  • Part 4: Theory module. You may be exempt from completing part or all of this unit, depending on qualifications you already hold.
  • Part 5: Compile your portfolio folder (provided) and reference your work to the learning outcomes, using material on the VLE.

initial assessment form


    Qualification Information

    • Award Details: TQUK Level 3 Award in Education and Training (RQF)
    • Qualification Number: 601/1831/1
    • Guided Learning Hours: 48
    • Awarding Organisation: Training Qualifications UK

    tquk diamond logo

    Entry Requirements
    • IT, Maths and English skills.
    • Delegates must be aged 19+.
    • Delegates must be delivering training, to enable the evidence of 30 hours training and 3 observed sessions.
    • Completion of our online initial assessment form.
    • Access to a laptop/computer with Internet access, Microsoft Word 97 (or newer version) and to be comfortable with downloading/saving/uploading documents.
    • All train the trainer entrants need to have the personal and intellectual abilities to acquire the knowledge and understand the skills needed to gain this award.
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More Information

Suitable qualifications for a professional observing your sessions

Acceptable qualifications for a credible assessor – A1, Level 3 Award in Assessing or CAVA and a portfolio of evidence to prove competence. Assessors will need to supply copies of certificates, portfolio and a professional statement detailing what they have done. Proof of ID will also be required and checked.

Qualifications accepted for exemption from completing Unit 5

Qualifications that permit exemption from completing unit 5 include:

  • CAVA/TAQA (Assessing Qualification
  • IQA Internal Quality Assurance

We advise asking our advisors about the qualifications you hold, so that they can advise if you need to complete the Unit 5.

Learning Outcomes

This is a 36 credit qualification

  • Understand your own roles, responsibilities and boundaries in relation to teaching/training - (3 credits)
  • Understanding and using inclusive learning and teaching approaches in education and training - (6 credits)
  • Understanding assessment in education and training (3 credits)

Who is this for?

  • individuals who are currently teaching and training who can meet the practice requirements, including the observed and assessed practice requirements of the qualification.
  • are in a teaching role, or who have just started a teaching role (in-service).
  • want to progress their career in training or have their experience and practice accredited.
  • individuals who want a qualification that focuses on practical teaching.

Do I need to complete the Unit 1?

We also offer an induction day where we can guide you through your course and set you off in the right direction. As part of your induction day, you can also deliver your first observed teaching session. 

The course is made up of a few units.

Part one – The pricing of the course, assumes that you already have PTLLS level 3 (12 credit) or Award in Education in Training. If this is the case, you do not have to complete this unit. If you do not have this qualification, you will need to complete the extra unit.

Part two – This unit is theory based and you submit your work through the VLE. This course is at level 4 which means that you must write academically and you have to reference your work. Written assignments are completed using the templates provided online.

Lessons will include subjects such as roles responsibilities and relationships, learning and development and how to plan and deliver teaching. It will also cover relationships in education.

Part three – In this unit you evidence your teaching practice. You have to deliver and evidence at least 30 hours of teaching. You will create schemes of work and session plans for your lessons. 

You will also have copies of all teaching material, tests, Power Point etc. On the VLE are initial assessments, individual learning plans and course evaluations are downloaded and used to help evaluate and evidence your learners. 

You will be observed on three occasions actually delivering training. These observations are at least one hour and you will be assessed using a different set of criteria on each assessment. Please contact us about how this works as each case will be different for each learner. We offer two prices, one if you have a qualified assessor and one if you require us to attend your teaching session to assess you.

Part four –Is a theory module where you gain a further 15 credit points. You can have an exemption from this unit or part of this unit if you have some units that are allowed. The types of courses that are acceptable are like CAVA (assessing) and Internal Quality Assurance (IQA). 

Both of these units meet the credit points needed. Do not worry if you don’t have these, you simply complete the extra theory unit to complete the course.

Please contact us if you are considering taking any assessing courses as it may be cheaper to add them to the Certificate in Education and Training.

Part five – To successfully complete this course. you must create your portfolio folder and reference it using material on the VLE to prove how you have met the course learning outcomes.

This qualification has replaced CTLLS (certificate lifelong learning sector)

Progression - The Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training is the next level qualification and is ideal for anyone who wants a full time teaching role.


Many of our courses and qualifications are available through the Enhanced Learning Credit Scheme for more information call and speak to one of our friendly advisors or click the link above to find out more.

The PTTLS course preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector has been replaced by the AET Award in Education and Training Qualification.